Published 04 March 2019
We have now recived our new automatic electric car
An renault ZOE
Compact, quick and zero emision
We have now recived our new automatic electric car
An renault ZOE
Compact, quick and zero emision
Driving license loan for those who are unemployed.
If you are unemployed and fulfill certain criteria, you are eligible for CSN loan for B driver's license.
At most, you can borrow SEK 15,000; the money is paid out in tranches during your driver's course - each payment is SEK 5,000. You can only eligible for this loan once with time-limit of one year.
We collaborate with Resurbank where you can apply for an interest-free loans. The advantage is that you can get your driver's license and pay off in 12-24 months.
You contact us by phone 0382 61440 or 0383 10085 10:00-16:00 (Mon - Thu)
Lotta Schultz